Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fall Time

I don't know about you but fall time is my favorite time of year. It's hard to beat taking the dogs on a hike when it's a beautiful fall day. I've definitely been taking advantage of it lately and have been taking them every chance I get.
She is such a good girl:) Naya was the only one I could get to sit for more than a few seconds so I could take a pic!
Look at this dirty boy!! 

They love the water

Monday, October 21, 2013

Naya says good night!

Leash Walking Update

Big mooch:)
How do you get mad at this big goofball when he gives such big kisses! Is he not adorable:)

Here's an update on my attempt to train Kodiak how to walk on a leash. He is still horrible and have not made any significant improvements. I know it has not been that long but it drives me crazy. So, I've been doing some research on trying something different before we walk. I am looking into a bike attachment so I can tire him out before we actually put the leash on him to walk. There are a number of different options out there and the prices vary pretty dramatically. I am concerned about how bad Kodiak pulls and will go after other dogs, squirrels, rabbits, etc. Does anyone have any experience with bike attachments for dogs? I would like to know which one would be the best option for very aggressive pullers. Any feedback would be great so I could get this big guy tired out.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Walking Update

I wanted to update on Kodiak's walking on a leash attempt. I was able to take him on a walk with a choke chain 3 times last week. The first 2 times I walked him by himself first. Needless to say the other two were not happy. Once I got back with Kodiak I took Naya and Chief at the same time. They walk great together and are easy for me to do by myself. It actually amazes me because Chief has had little to no training. He has always been pretty good on a leash. I would have to say that these first 2 walks were not too bad (for him). They were tolerable. The 3rd attempt, I walked Kodiak while Jolene walked chief and Naya. We went at the same time because we were running short on time. There was definitely a difference with Kodiak. He was not nearly as good with the other dogs along on the walk. The other 2 weren't quite as good as they were by themselves either.

I'm going to be taking them on walks separately today and hopefully Kodiak behaves better than his last walk. Wish me luck! :)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Which Collar To Use?

With our first 2 huskies (Lakota and Yahzi), we went to puppy training class like most 1st time puppy owners. It was a wonderful experience. We worked daily with them on the things we were working on in our class for the week. They learned to sit, stay, leave it and most importantly (for huskies) how to walk on a leash. In class, we were tought to walk the dogs with a choke chain. We walked them nightly so that we wouldn't be embarrassed in class. Well, it paid off and they were great on a leash with a choke chain. We took them everywhere we went and they behaved beautifully in public. Wild and crazy at home and perfect little huskies in public, which is how we preferred it.
Prong Collar

Choke Chain

When we got Kodiak we thought it wasn't necessary to take a puppy class with him because we knew what to do. Needless to say, that was a huge mistake. The kids were getting older so we were getting busier and found it difficult to find the time to walk and work with Kodiak the way we did with Lakota and Yahzi. Plus, we didn't have to worry about going to class and being embarrassed so things got put off. Sure Kodiak got walked but not to the extent that we needed to do. So, sure enough he grew and grew and became a very obnoxious  walker. By obnoxious I mean crazy! He does not like to be contained. The choke chain wasn't cutting it so we went to a choke chain with prongs. I know....I felt bad but I was desperate to get him to walk half way decent. So, we spent quite abit of time trying to work with him on walking with a prong collar but it was miserable so we would stop. We tried it many different times. Each time there was no improvement and was relentless. Not only was it miserable but also very embarrassing. He would yell and scream when he saw other dogs especially this one husky in the neighborhood that he has never even met! 

Gentle Leader 

After awhile, we decided to try a gentle leader on him. That was interesting! He didn't appreciate having that around his face:) However, the leader did make him behave a bit better. Well, I guess I would say he at least wouldn't yell and scream with it on. At first, I thought that was going to be the answer but he never improved. He would scratch at it off and on during the walk making me pull him while he's on his back two legs.  Then when Kodiak would see another dog he would toss himself around trying to get out of it and that became rather embarrassing. So, yes he stopped his screaming but he would throw himself around like I was killing him. It was insane and embarrassing so that eventually stopped. 

It's been awhile since I've attempted to walk Kodiak and I'm refreshed with a new determination. I'm thinking (or hoping) that he has matured a little. He's 4 yrs old now and listens better than he has in the past. Plus, I have a plan and am determined to get him to walk on a leash. Have I said that I'm determined!!!:)  Plus, our other two huskies walk great on a leash but we don't take them out in public for 2 reasons. We don't want to leave Kodiak home alone and if we take him he is crazy and makes it miserable. So, I've decided that I'm going to use the choke chain. That is what I've been trained on and feel most comfortable training Kodiak on. 

I would be interested in hearing what other dog owners use for their hard to walk dogs.