Monday, November 4, 2013

So Many Choices

From our very first puppies, we made the choice to feed them Purina. We started out with Purina One and then switched to Purina Pro Plan when we discovered that type of dog food. It worked and great we loved. The dogs had no problems with Purina. There teeth were clean, coat was shiny and soft as could be. We loved it!

Well, after Lakota died, we discovered that we had some significant aggression issues with Yahzi with other dogs. We had  got Kodiak so that Yahzi wouldn't be alone and all she wanted to do was kill him. We sought out multiple avenues of help and guidance. One of them recommended that we change our food to a more high protein diet. So we did some research and decided on a brand that is considered a premium dog food higher in protein and all natural. All around it is suppose to be healthier for my dogs and of course quite significantly more expensive. We stayed with this brand for over 3 years I would say.  After some time we noticed all 3 of our dogs had horrible breath. This was something new. We had always been glad and proud that our dogs weren't "one of those dogs" with disgusting breath that could not you over when they got close. We couldn't figure out what was causing it. Plus, we started noticing that Chief started to have really bad dry flakes all over him, his coat was really dull and felt not soft. All three of the dogs coat became dull but Chief seemed to be affected by it the worst. He had white flakes all over him. Anytime you would pet him white flakes would go flying around the air. Something wasn't right.   

A few months ago, Jolene suggested that maybe we go back to  Purina Pro Plan  The food we were on now wasn't doing anything special for the dogs and it wasn't worth the extra money we were paying. Plus, we thought back and the dogs were much healthier looking on  Purina Pro Plan  So, we made the switch and boy did we notice changes. Not only did Chief's flakes go away and coat become beautiful and soft again, but all 3 of their bad breath suddenly was gone! Within 1-2 months we noticed all the issues were gone. It was a drastic change and quite amazing to see such a difference.

When you start doing research on dog food it's overwhelming how many choices there are out there that claim they are "best" for your dog. I'm sure there are a ton that really are good for your dog. We decided to go back to what we "knew" made our dogs look and feel healthy and that is Purina Pro Plan

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